Document X
Shortly after we started CASH in 2019 we realised the need for a comprehensive expression of the CLT's vision. How were we going to create co-operative housing, work and social spaces in South-East London?
Crafting the vision through action
Despite having experience across different aspects of this huge challenge, the members of CASH knew we had lots to learn and discover together. We embarked on a journey where all elements of our effort had to work in tandem: what we aspire to, how we relate to each other and the wider community, how we make decisions and pursue housing developments. We needed to ‘build the vehicle while driving it’ and reach a place of clarity based on hands-on research.
With the help from Community Led Housing London we were able to gain access to experts who helped us select a promising site, estimate its capacity, create financing strategy and model various scenarios. The insights combined with our thirst to learn enabled us to document the process carefully and start shaping it into something we could share with all our stakeholders.
After a period of distilling and rewriting ‘Document X’, our strategy-action document, we finally became ready to propose a way of making housing developments happen with our co-operative partners and the wider community.
We assembled the text into a delightful booklet with diagrams and illustrations. We printed Document X and organised a launch event where various stakeholders came together to discuss the practicalities of our ideas and forge partnerships to bring the shared vision into reality.

We now need all-hands-on-deck in delivering the vision expressed in Document X!
Let us know what you think!
Did you attend the launch event and/or read Document X? Please take a moment to fill this feedback form, your thoughts will influence how we prioritise our actions going forward!
Your support is now needed more than ever as we have entered a next phase in CASH's existence — now we will be carrying out our strategy!
By becoming supporter you will join our newsletter and we will keep you up to date about our progress. You will also be welcome to get involved through participating in our meetings!
Since we started CASH we have connected with many inspiring groups and individuals and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the maturing of CASH, particularly in the most challenging times during the pandemic. The perseverance of these people really does prove that there are better ways of doing things, ones that inspire and support each other's resilience. Let's move co-operative community-led housing work to the next phase together!
We would also like to thank our funders and partners who kindly supported us over the years: Community Led Housing Hub, London Community Foundation and Community Land Trust Network.